me and police line trip to bayangsani Pesisir Selatan
postingan kali ini nggak bakal lama and not full of words . I'll just send pics here. POLICE LINE AWESOME !!! yesterday in 24th April we just went to bayang sani in bayang. great place and so natural. if you never go there, so you need to go there. really natural and I love it. the air is so fresh guys! no doubt,it's a great place. cekidott when we just arrived! with the girls. lavyu polis :* still with the girls. can you find me? ;) mengagumi kealamiannya :) natural is awesome. better then what human built. o yeah, foto dri belakang itu bukan aku yg minta loh, emng tiwi yg baik banget mau fotoin tanpa aku sadar . hakhakk with bungga and hanna. megang tangannya bunga gara2 nyaris jatuh alias tergelincir. shock banget -_- dan airnya wah dingiiiiin . brrrr okaaaay..... segitu aja deh ;) see yaa muaaahahaha :* ^^ thnks for visit